Weeknotes 001: What the blimp?
The 100 words, 100 days challenge is over. I don’t think I achieved my set out aim of improving my writing, but it’s been a nice way to capture life in what otherwise would have been the loop and repeat of lockdown.
Now that it’s done, I’ve decided to keep up with some form of blogging. I’ve made mention of weeknotes a couple of times and I’m giving them a shot.
So, without further ado, weeknote one.
I bought some pen plotter art from Rev Dan Catt’s season of the ghost. I only bought a single silver on black postcard and look what he generously bundled in! A full haunted envelope. It’s made my frame purchase more involved.
Jeremy Keith—the inspiration for the 100 words, 100 days—was kind enough to link to my efforts on his blog, Adactio. It’s been a staple of my RSS feed for years for a constant stream of interesting thought (the link to here excepted). He has an excellent collection of design principles. And it was pleasant to bookmark something written by a stranger which linked to something I wrote.
In Piglet news, she got a handy-down Duplo train set. Which is to say, me and The Chef got a handy-down Duplo train set and we let her play with it too. Lǎolao and Lǎoyé visited and, while we prepped Piglets lunch, they argued over the right way to build an over-track arch.
One night we even got her to sleep early enough to watch a movie. We plumped for The Farewell having missed it in cinemas, courtesy of having a baby. It was both enjoyable in its own right and in being worryingly close to being a biopic for The Chef.
Buying frames is hard. In the meantime I’ve posted the ghosts on the door. It’ll make for a talking piece in one of the hundred video calls in the next week.
6 September 2020