100 words 026

15 minutes is all these notes need. Yet I keep failing.

But 15 minutes is also all it takes to do a bit of Mandarin each day. I fail at that too.

And 15 minutes is sufficient to read a few pages. With ten pages to a chapter, I finished The Discomfort of Evening in that schedule. It’s quieter for doing between 2—4am with a disgruntled Piglet too. Dune should only take a few years.

I can also spend it hate refreshing the latest abuses by that lot. That’s 7.5 times what Orwell thought we’d need.

The sun still shines.

27 May 2020

100 Words

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100 words 025 I had a pre-queued 100 words for yesterday, reflecting on 10 weeks of de facto lockdown (site closed before the country and we started ours then).
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100 words 027 A neighbour’s takeaway arrived during the Applause. The delivery driver took the chance to slow-wheel down the street, waving like the Queen,