100 words 077

Everyone was close to tears this morning when we waved goodbye1 to The Chef as she left for work.

Only for her to return 10 minutes later. Forgotten her mask. Not part of the regular pat down yet.

This led to a drive in to work, with Piglet proclaiming Wow” nonstop for 20 minutes.

Nursery were subjected to the I’m-so-upset-I’ll-vomit-on-you level of tears. So another trial session is planned for tomorrow.

She’s happily playing with grandma while I write this up though.

  1. Piglet waited until The Chef was gone before waving. True to form.↩︎

28 July 2020

100 Words

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100 words 076 It’s here. The Chef’s last day. Piglet hasn’t taken it well. She missed her additional introductory session at nursery because she’s too snotty to
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100 words 078 Piglet made it through nursery today without vomiting on herself in distress! Which is progress of sorts. Her key worker said she’d sat in a buggy,