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Father’s Day was treat after treat. The Chef took Piglet while I had my lie in; card and coffee waiting for when I surfaced. And football is back — still mad that it beat the schools opening in this joke of a country — and I was allowed uninterrupted beers on the couch while watching it. Comforting salted pork meals bookended the day like a happy, unhealthy cuddle.

The Monday that followed was less fun. The house pervaded with frustration from work and each other. Lockdown fatigue had seeped in overnight.

Had a bit of a corona-cry this morning, which helped.

23 June 2020

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100 words 048 We’re looking forward to when parties aren’t socially distanced. Until then, we had a corker of a first birthday. The weather held. Garden set like
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100 words 050 Today’s update finds us in better spirits. But we’ve had wine, fish and chips, and two beach trips; how could it not? Me and The Chef had a few