100 words 005

While queueing for the supermarket, I mulled over previous failed attempts at 100 words in 100 days. Namely, lack of accountibility and poor preparation.

I was writing the notes as if I had an audience, but keeping them in a private folder. The dichotomy got to me and I lost motivation at the first bad day. Publishing is an accountibility improvement.

As for preparedness, while my enthusiasm is high, I’m sketching out some generic updates. When Buzzfeed listicles appear, you’ll know it was a low inspiration day.

I promise to write more about stuff and less about process in future.

2 May 2020

100 Words

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100 words 004 Eating every meal at home, we’ve had to adapt our meal planning. In an attack of geekery, I decided we needed principles: One new recipe every
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100 words 006 Mark Forsyth is posher than I expected. Should I be surprised? It seems every English creative is posh now. (Deleted rant about state support.) But,