100 words 003

Piglet’s reaction to lockdown has been to grow all her teeth in a single sitting and, consequently, give up on sleep.

The obvious effect is that me and The Chef have never been more knackered. We’re over-communicating everything to avoid pass agg-ing our way to mutual destruction. But…

Maximum forgiveness for each other is expected and given.

The secondary effect, is jealousy of other’s lockdown lives. We’d love a Switch to binge Animal Crossing and Zelda. Instead we’re pacing, shushing and attacking an infant with a Calpol syringe.

Then I speak to parents of toddlers and kids and cry vicariously.

30 April 2020

100 Words

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100 words 002 It seems everyone in my rss feed is writing weeknotes these days. So why have I decided against weeknotes and started with 100 words in 100 days?
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